A Simple Prayer of Gratitude

For so many of us, Thanksgiving and Christmas are a time of reflecting on our many blessings! As I gather with family and friends this season, I’m reminded how it’s the little things that truly matter in life, for they bring us the most heartfelt joy and contentment.

A peaceful autumn scene

Over the past year, I’ve captured many magical moments in photographs. Come with me on a visual journey as I work my way back through the months and give thanks for all that has brought me to this place of gratitude!

The last Monarch of the season

Whether walking in the woods or tending my gardens, I am always close to nature and continually awestruck by her infinite beauty. It seems that every day there is something new to surprise me! On a late October afternoon, a Monarch butterfly was the last thing I expected to see but my bright orange zinnias drew her to the garden for a final visit.

A Barred Owl took up residence in the yard this summer

Birds, bees, butterflies and other creatures are my constant outdoor companions, but catching them with the camera is not always easy! The photo of the owl was taken one early summer morning when all was quiet and still. I had taken my cup of coffee out on the deck where I stood enjoying the peaceful scene. The slightest movement suddenly caught my eye and there it was! Spotting the large bird sitting in a nearby tree, I had to quietly (and quickly!) rush back inside to grab my camera. When I returned, the owl remained perched on the branch and graciously posed for me!

Hummingbirds are frequent garden visitors

Hummingbirds seem to be everywhere you look during the warm summer months, but their quick darting movements make them difficult to capture in a photo. Flowers, however, are always happy to present themselves in stunning stillness.

Daylily ‘Lady Elizabeth’ is a regal July beauty

There is nothing that feeds my soul like my beautiful flower gardens. I live for the divine thrill of watching buds open! Even though many of my plants and shrubs are old friends, the pleasure I find in gazing upon each fresh bloom never gets old. Every year brings more botanical surprises to delight my eyes as the gardens change anew.

May blooms opening to the sun

As the first snowdrops push through the snow, their tiny white flowers opening to the warmth of the early spring sun, I’m once again struck by the power of rebirth and the circle of life. In spring, the earth is born again and I with it!

Spring blooming bulbs always bring a smile to my face

Today, I give thanks for all the little things that bring me joy, for those special moments that make up each day of my life and for the unconditional love of family and friends that sustains me. There is so much to be grateful for!

No season is without beauty and inspiration

All photos by Nancy Marie Allen

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Bonsai Boy of New York – Bonsai Trees Make Great Gift Ideas!

Botanical Interests

DIY Tea Herb Garden Kit – Learn the basics of herbalism with five seed varieties to grow at home!

6 Replies to “A Simple Prayer of Gratitude”

  1. Thank you for sharing those special moments that make up each day of your life. How especially blessed you are by having the unconditional love of family and friends. There is so much to be grateful for! I feel very blessed to have you as a friend, you are such a kind and lovely person. Please keep writing and sharing your photographs, they are worthy of framing. Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family.🍂

  2. This early morning hour I am grateful for the reminders you share from nature that surrounds you on a daily basis that there is peace to be found all around us if we but take time to discover them. Thank you for exposing your tender and loving heart and may blessings be yours as you celebrate this Thanksgiving Season with those you love.

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