November is for Nesting

According to the Collins English Dictionary, nesting is defined as “the tendency to arrange one’s immediate surroundings to create a place where one feels secure, comfortable, or in control,” and there is no other month that brings on the nesting urge like November.

The welcoming light of home on a cold day (Photo by Alicia Slough on Unsplash)

For me, nesting comes about once the fall weather has turned cold enough to make staying indoors seem like a really good idea! But it’s not an easy transition for this garden-loving gal who, during warmer months, spends as much time as possible outdoors in the fresh air and sunshine. Still, every year at this time, when the last pile of compost has been spread over the soil and the gardens have finally been put to bed for the winter, I turn towards the warmth and comfort of home.

A vintage table scarf and Mom’s hand-crocheted afghan warm the room (Photo by Nancy Marie Allen)

To help me ease back into life indoors, I like to fluff my winter nest to create a feeling that’s inviting, warm and comfortable. November sunlight bathes my living room in its golden rays and I like decorating with dried hydrangeas, crocheted afghans and vintage table scarves to enhance the cozy ambiance. Home-grown gourds and little pumpkins now adorn the mantel. To complete the look, wood is stacked by the fireplace which becomes the hub of our winter home, warming our hearts and bodies on cold nights.

The delights of autumn baking (Photo by Dilyara Garifullina on Unsplash)

The kitchen calls to me as I turn once again to making favorite comfort foods. Homemade bread, hearty soups and stews, baked yams and winter squash become part of our routine fare. I slide an apple crisp into the oven and the house fills with the tantalizing scent of cinnamon and baked apples. It’s such a pleasure to cook this time of year for the rich flavors of fall and winter foods are by far the most satisfying and heartwarming!

Houseplants enjoying some afternoon sun (Photo by Nancy Marie Allen)

I miss my gardens in the winter, so I enjoy caring for many different types of houseplants. Situated near any available sunlight, I create small green spaces to nurture me through the darker months ahead. Winter flowering plants are the most uplifting as they cheer me with their summery blooms. Plants add life and beauty to our home and even the smallest room can accommodate at least one. Without houseplants, life in winter would be very dull indeed!

A small group of plants on our side table (Photo by Nancy Marie Allen)

By filling my nest and surrounding myself with all the things that bring me comfort and joy such as cherished family objects, satisfying homemade meals, and happy green plants, I’m ready to face whatever winter brings!

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