Practical Houseplant Care During Heating Season

In many parts of the United States, we are deep into heating season and spending much of our time indoors. Whether we use oil, gas, electric or wood to stay warm, the heated air in our homes can become bone dry as winter wears on.

We humans acutely feel the loss of moisture in our skin, hair and mucous membranes as humidity levels drop, but don’t forget that our houseplants crave moisture as much as we do. So, how do we keep our plants (and ourselves) healthy and happy in this arid environment? The following are some simple and practical tips to help raise the humidity in our homes to a more comfortable level:


The simple act of watering plants is the easiest way to put moisture back into the air of our homes, but just giving your plants a halfhearted passing splash is not going to do the trick. When watering, try to use the ‘drench and drain’ method. By this I mean to water a plant thoroughly, preferably in a sink or tub, where the water can generously run through the potting medium and out the drainage hole(s). Allow the pot to drain completely before returning the plant to its usual home. Alternatively, you can place your potted plant in a bowl of tepid water for an hour or so while it soaks up what it needs. Your houseplant’s pot will feel heavy with moisture after you do this and will keep your plant hydrated for a longer period of time. When the pot feels light again, it’s time to water thoroughly!


Whenever possible, hang laundry around your house or apartment to air dry rather than use a clothes dryer. The damp clothes will not only dry surprisingly fast indoors but will replace much-needed moisture in the rooms where they are placed. I like to utilize bathroom shower rods, towel racks and over-the-door clothes hangers for this purpose. Foldable clothes drying racks are also easy to store and convenient for indoor winter use!


We Americans love to shower, so why not leave the bathroom door open while showering or bathing to allow that health-giving steam to escape and disperse into your living space. Many plants thrive in these typically humid rooms so, if space allows, you might move some plants into the bathroom for the winter months; just be sure there is adequate light from a window or LED fixture.


Baby, it’s cold outside! But not all winter days are dry and frigid. On cloudy or rainy days, when outside temps are above freezing, try cracking open a window or two to circulate the air for a little while. Be sure to move any plants away from the windows so that the colder air won’t be blowing directly on them. The natural humidity and fresh air will not only help your home feel instantly more comfortable, it will also cheer your winter-weary soul!


Heating water in a kettle on a woodstove or kitchen range and letting the steam escape into the air works pretty much in the same way as a humidifier. Making stovetop winter soups and stews helps, too! If you’re fortunate to have a bright kitchen windowsill, any plants placed there will also benefit from the extra moisture given off by daily washing and cooking.


Humidity trays are easily created using a flat baking sheet or even a single plant saucer. The idea is to use pebbles or flat stones to cover the tray or saucer bottom, add water to fill, and then place your plants atop the pebbles so that they don’t sit directly in the water. As the water in the tray or saucer slowly evaporates, your plants will enjoy that extra moisture!

If your home is extremely and persistently dry, or if you suffer from allergies or respiratory issues, a good quality humidifier will certainly help. These are a great way to direct humidity where you need it most such as in bedrooms and nurseries or near tropical orchids, African violets, ferns and other moisture-loving plants. The downside is that humidifiers can quickly grow mold so be sure to keep your unit clean as per the manufacturer’s instructions.

For more on winter houseplant care, please check out my previous posts:



Feature photo by Nancy Marie Allen; all others courtesy of Pixabay

Unusual Houseplants for Fall to Winter Blooms

The dark months of November and December are a time for bringing some of nature’s greenery inside – whether with Christmas trees, fresh-cut garlands or classic holiday houseplants. While the striking flowers of Thanksgiving cactus, Amaryllis and Poinsettias will certainly make our homes feel festive, how about including some new, unusual and, perhaps unexpected, fall to winter bloomers this year?

Hoya ‘Odorata’ carries a lovely fragrance (Photo by Nancy Marie Allen)


Hoyas are very easy to care for and reward the grower with exotic, almost otherworldly, waxy blooms which are pleasantly fragrant. Unlike other flowering plants, never deadhead the bloom stalks for they’ll repeat flowering over and over again from the same flower peduncles.

It’s fun to get creative with Hoyas since their vining habit makes them useful for climbing and twirling around a plant stand or cascading out of a hanging pot. Best of all, many Hoyas bloom with abandon through the fall and winter months. Hoya ‘Odorata’ is one such floriferous and sweetly-scented variety!

Aeschynanthus ‘Mona Lisa’ (Photo courtesy GardenGoodsDirect)


Aeschynanthus, also known as Lipstick or Basket Vine is a vigorous plant that blooms reliably through the darkest months and is extremely tolerant of dry, heated air. With its trailing habit and as its nickname implies, Basket Vine is perfect for a hanging basket where the long stems can gracefully spill over the sides.

The variety known as ‘Mona Lisa’ with its eye-catching vivid red tubular flowers and purple calyxes will brighten any room!

Red Anthurium (Photo by Nancy Marie Allen)


Anthuriums are remarkable houseplants in that they tend to bloom all year! However, the ‘flowers’ are actually colorful heart-shaped spathes with a contrasting spadix which can remain on the plants for months. Regular deadheading of old blooms that have lost their vibrancy will keep new ones coming.

Although the more common red Anthuriums are the perfect complements to holiday décor, they also come in a vast array of other colors including pink, green, yellow, coral, white and purple. By collecting several varieties, you can enjoy a rainbow of colors year round!

Sweetly-scented Jasmine produces an abundance of blooms (Photo courtesy Pixabay)


If you’re a fragrance lover, then ‘scentsational’ Jasmine is a great choice for a sunny room; just be sure to look for those that are autumn to winter bloomers. Jasmines can be climbing, trailing or upright in habit so there’s plenty of versatility here as to where you place them in your home.

Sweetly-scented and everblooming ‘Orange Jasmine’ will easily fit on a small table or windowsill, while ‘French Perfume’ is a robust vining plant perfect for a stand, pot trellis or hanging basket.

Pink Abutilon (Photo courtesy Pixabay)


Abutilons or Flowering Maples are typically grown as outdoor summer shrubs but there are several small-scale varieties that are well suited to indoor culture. The large, hibiscus-like flowers on these almost everblooming plants can bring a look of the tropics to our homes!

Abutilon ‘Blushing Belle’ is a romantic pink and white beauty that is compact in size and blooms nearly non-stop. ‘Miss Marmalade’ with its cheerful orange-yellow blossoms is a dwarf Abutilon that is ideal for a hanging planter. ‘Red Glory’ is a deep scarlet that makes a strong accent plant and is especially lovely when partnered with holiday greenery.

The Hidden Virtues of Houseplants

Houseplants bring the beauty and tranquility of nature into our homes and turn ordinary spaces into extraordinary! But houseplants not only beautify our homes, they also promote health and well-being.

Plant Filled Bathroom – Photo by on Pinterest

With many of us now housebound either due to the pandemic or winter weather, we want our homes to be healthy havens and that includes the quality of the air we breathe. Unfortunately, hidden volatile organic compounds or VOC’s are emitted as odorless gases from many common household products such as carpeting, paint, vinyl flooring, upholstery and even air fresheners!

Houseplants Enjoying the Sun – Photo by Nancy Marie Allen

The good news is that studies by NASA have shown that houseplants improve indoor air quality by increasing oxygen, absorbing carbon dioxide and removing common VOC pollutants such as benzene, formaldehyde and trichloroethylene. Some familiar plants known for their exceptional ability to clean the air include Florist’s Chrysanthemum, Peace Lily, Parlor Palm and Snake Plant.

Potted Lavender – Photo by Marisa04 on Pixabay

If you’re someone who tosses and turns at night, the sleep-inducing properties of Lavender are well-known as this plant has been used medicinally for centuries. Although usually found in sunny landscapes, there are some dwarf varieties that can be grown successfully indoors. Try a pot of Goodwin Creek Grey, Little Lottie or Munstead in a sunny bedroom window and enjoy a restful night’s sleep!

Fragrant Jasmine – Photo by Watsilchum on Pixabay

Some houseplants are known to be effective in easing anxiety and producing calm. Flowering Jasmine has a powerful yet soothing fragrance that can fill a room! Sambac Jasmines grow well indoors and can easily be kept pruned to a manageable size. Maid of Orleans and Grand Duke of Tuscany are two good choices for the home. If you’re not a fan of fragrance, the graceful fronds of Ferns or Palms add a feeling of serenity to any space.

Potted Mint – Photo by Ajaydev Singh on Pixabay

Plants are also known to be beneficial in the workplace, aiding concentration, memory and productivity. If you’re fortunate to have a sunny window or grow light in your office, try a pot of Mint or a Scented Geranium to refresh and stimulate your senses! If you’re limited to low or fluorescent lighting, plants like Heart-Leaf Philodendron, Spider Plant or Pothos make companionable co-workers.

Anthurium – Photo by Nancy Marie Allen

For those recovering from an illness or surgery, the beauty of flowering houseplants will help you feel better by elevating your mood and speeding recovery. A group of plants will also help raise the humidity level, thus easing dry skin and symptoms of colds or flu. Some winter bloomers that will brighten any patient’s room include Orchids, African Violets, Anthuriums, Cyclamen and Kalanchoe.


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Partial to Pothos

I’m partial to Pothos because they’re one of the most undemanding and rewarding houseplants to grow and care for. The attractive heart-shaped leaves are substantial with a waxy texture that almost looks like plastic, and indeed they are nearly as tough.

Whether cascading from a hanging basket or sitting on a windowsill, Pothos add lush tropical beauty to your home in short order for their vining and trailing growth tends to be vigorous. They’re also super easy to propagate so that over time you can make many plants from just one mother plant!

Photo by Fukayamamo on Unsplash

I’ve grown Pothos for decades although I’ve never actually purchased a plant. Years ago I started caring for a pot of Pothos in the office where I worked. Initially, I thought it was one large plant but soon discovered that this pot contained several different types of Pothos planted together in a colorful combination – ‘Jade Green,’ ‘Golden,’ ‘Neon’ and ‘Marble Queen.’ By propagating cuttings from each, I now have all of these beautiful varieties growing at home!

macro photography of green leafed plant
Photo by Min An on

In the wild, Pothos is a robust, tropical vining plant that can quickly grow up to 40 feet long as it climbs trees from the forest floor. Grown indoors as a houseplant, it’s thankfully much more tame in habit although some vines can still reach several feet in length over time. You can twine these longer vines around a support if you wish but pruning them back creates a fuller plant, plus you can use the cut vines to propagate more plants.

Photo by Luisella Planeta Leoni on Pixabay

Although Pothos naturally grow in warm and humid areas of the world, they adapt to the drier and cooler air in our homes with ease. Pothos grow best in temperatures between 55 F and 75 F and prefer bright indirect light although they’ll tolerate lower light areas and even fluorescent lighting. For this reason, they are often found in office buildings, restaurants and shops.

Photo by Sandeep Handa on Pixabay

In the world of houseplants, caring for Pothos is a breeze! You can fertilize your Pothos once a month during the warmer months but these plants will grow enthusiastically with little coddling on your part. As far as water needs, Pothos are content with the same humidity levels found in most homes although they’ll positively thrive in a moist and well-lit bathroom. A good weekly watering when the soil feels dry is generally all they need but during the driest months of winter you may have to water them a little more often.

Photo by Taylor Heery on Unsplash

If you’re fortunate to know someone who grows Pothos, ask them for a few cuttings and start your own plants at home. You can propagate the vine sections in water or plant them directly in soil – either way will work. If you’re a beginner to plant propagation, there are many videos available online to show you how easy this is and Pothos is a great plant to practice on.

Photo by Fukayamamo on Unsplash

In addition to the varieties mentioned above, look for ‘Pearls and Jade,’ ‘Jessenia,’ ‘Manjula’ and ‘Cebu Blue’ to begin or add to your Pothos collection.


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What’s Up With Air Plants?

Almost overnight, air plants have become the new houseplant obsession. They’re a diverse group of plants with quirky shapes and exotic flowers that bring to mind both aliens and sea anemones. Many people think air plants are so named because they need only air to survive but this couldn’t be further from the truth. In fact, air plants require special care that’s unique to them. Today, I’ll discuss what air plants need to happily grow indoors, so read on to find out what’s really up with air plants!

Tillandsia Albida (photo courtesy of Public Domain Pictures on Pixabay)

Tillandsias, commonly known as air plants, are epiphytes which means they attach themselves to other plants or trees and receive nourishment from the rainfall, decaying matter and occasional bird droppings that occur in the tropical environments where they naturally grow. They don’t take nutrients away from their hosts but only hitch a ride so that they, too, can enjoy the same beneficial nutrients.

Air Plants and an Anole lizard share the same home (Photo by Nancy Marie Allen)

Indoors, the thing that really sets air plants apart from other houseplants is that they need no soil to survive. That’s right, you don’t need to pot them up; their roots only serve to anchor them and do not take up nutrients. But all plants need nourishment and, if they’re not getting that from soil or their natural outdoor habitat, how do we provide them with what they need? The answer is simple. When growing air plants in our homes, we need to feed them and mimic their natural environment as much as possible in order for them to not only survive but thrive!

Tillandsia Houston “Cotton Candy” with blooms (Photo courtesy of Quan Manu on Pixabay)


Air plants are usually happy in the same warm temperatures that we enjoy in our homes. Just remember that they’re tropical and avoid placing them on drafty, cold windowsills or leaving them in unheated rooms.

Tillandsia with pups (photo courtesy of Public Domain Pictures on Pixabay)


Air plants love good air circulation! When you think about them growing in trees, they’re constantly buffeted by wind and breezes. You can circulate the air at home by simply running a small fan nearby but I prefer to crack open a window for a while whenever outside temperatures permit. This provides not only gentle air movement but some extra humidity as well.

Air Plants and orchids enjoy the same filtered light conditions (Photo by Nancy Marie Allen)


Morning sun is always appreciated by air plants but avoid intense afternoon sunlight especially in the spring and summer months. Filtered bright light throughout the day is ideal, much like what they would receive naturally under the tree canopy.

The wide leaves of Tillandsia Xerographica tolerate drier conditions (Photo by Nancy Marie Allen)


In the tropical places where many air plants grow, there’s not only a lot of humidity in the air, there’s also a lot of drenching rainfall. Some air plants, however, grow in desert habitats and have adapted to survive with little water other than dew. Since there are many different types of air plants now available, it’s probably a good idea to research your plants before buying. It helps to know where they come from with respect to moisture needs, but the general rule of thumb for assessing how much water your air plants need is to look at their leaves – thin leaved plants usually require more moisture while wider leaves need less.

With most air plants, consistent watering is the key to success! Occasional misting can help provide immediate humidity but since it’s winter here and my home has dry, heated air, I like to dunk my air plants every 3 to 4 days in a basin of room-temperature rainwater for anywhere from 30 minutes to a couple of hours. Rainwater is always best but you can also use tap water that has been left to sit overnight to dissipate any chlorine and fluorine. Experts say to avoid using distilled water which has no available nutrients.

After their soaking, I give my air plants a gentle shake to release any excess water and place them upside down on a dish towel to air dry for a couple of hours before returning them to their homes. This is important because if too much water is left to collect in their root zones, it can cause the plants to rot. Remember that outdoors in warm tropical breezes, they would quickly dry off between rain showers or downpours.

Smaller air plants make good companions for orchids (Photo by Nancy Marie Allen)


Like all houseplants, air plants depend on us for their sustenance. In the wild, they derive nourishment from a variety of droppings and detritus which is then turned into liquid food with rainfall. Since these plants take up nutrients through their leaves and not their roots, use a fertilizer or foliar spray specifically recommended for air plants or bromeliads. Your plants will show increased vigor, growth and flowering with a regular feeding schedule. Just be sure to follow directions and don’t overdo it!

Beach theme terrarium with Air Plant (Photo courtesy of Jeon Sang-O on Pixabay)


The beauty of air plants is that they lend themselves to all kinds of creative arrangements in the home. Some people like to mount their air plants on bark or driftwood while others prefer resting them in ceramic pots or glass terrariums. I’ve also seen them sitting on exotic gemstones, swinging in metal cages or mounted in groups on walls. They’re happy hanging out with other houseplants and benefit from the extra humidity that potted plants provide. I personally love the look of air plants with my orchids; after all, they’re natural partners in the wild.

Tillandsias mounted on wood (Photo courtesy of JGGRZ on Pixabay)

There’s a lot more to learn about air plants but I hope I’ve given you enough information to get you started collecting and enjoying these unique plants. A simple internet search will provide you with more inspiration and ideas for air plant displays – just go with what looks good to you and fits your personal style.


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Choosing the Right Pot for Your Plant

With so many styles of pots to choose from these days, you may be wondering what type is best. In today’s blog, we’ll discuss the benefits of different pots and how to let your plants help you decide on their perfect home!

Photo by Nancy Marie Allen


If I had to choose one ideal all-purpose planter, it would be the classic terra cotta or “baked earth” flower pot. These russet colored clay pots create a healthy home for plants because they’re naturally porous. This means that air and moisture can easily pass through the clay creating a more natural and “breathable” environment for plants. Terra cotta also darkens when the potting soil is moist and then lightens as the soil dries out, thus making a good indicator for when it’s time to water!

Photo courtesy of Bartlomiej Koc on Pixabay

Terra cotta dates back to ancient times when it was used for making everyday vessels, building materials and art sculptures, so when we use terra cotta flower pots, we’re also connecting with history!

Although some consider these common pots to be strictly utilitarian, I adore their natural good looks and collect them for use indoors and out. They age beautifully, developing a darker patina, variations in color and even moss over time.

Photo courtesy of PublicDomainPictures on Pixabay

Almost all plants will thrive in terra cotta pots but SUCCULENTS, CACTI, PALMS, SNAKE PLANTS and POTHOS especially benefit from terra cotta’s ability to dry quickly by allowing excess moisture to escape through its porous walls. If you tend to overwater, terra cotta pots may help save your plants!


Photo by Nancy Marie Allen

Ceramic or glazed pots appeal to the artist in all of us because of their endless variety of colors and designs. They are basically clay pots which have been glazed with a decorative coating that makes them non-porous. Because of this, ceramic pots take longer to dry out between waterings, making them especially useful for outdoor summer planters or moisture-loving houseplants. In the photo above, baby succulents appreciate the extra moisture in these small ceramic pots.

Photo by Nancy Marie Allen of Coastal Maine Botanical Gardens

Large, colorful ceramic pots are particularly stunning when they complement or contrast with outdoor plantings and garden art such as in the grouping above. Houseplants that enjoy the even moisture ceramic provides include FERNS, MOSSES, PEACE LILIES, AFRICAN VIOLETS and BEGONIAS. If you often forget to water your plants, then ceramic pots may be your best choice.


Photo by Nancy Marie Allen

Plastic flower pots have come a long way in recent years with many now designed to look like their heavier and more costly cousins. As you can see in the photo, the large plastic planter on my front stoop looks just like terra cotta when filled with plants.

Photo courtesy of ThriftyFun

The main virtue of plastic is that it’s very lightweight so even large-sized planters can be moved around with ease. It’s also relatively inexpensive, neatly stackable for storage, recyclable, and you can’t beat the convenience of small plastic pots for starting plants indoors.

Photo courtesy of Bobana Kovacevic on Pixabay

Plastic pots are extremely versatile and can be used with a variety of plants, both indoors and out. Most of the houseplants we purchase in stores and garden centers come in the standard plastic nursery pots we’re all familiar with. Although these are usually the least attractive choice for your table or windowsill, they’re easy to hide inside a décor-friendly cachepot!


Photo courtesy of GARDEN.ORG

Hypertufa pots are rock-like creations made from Portland cement, perlite and peat moss although coloring and decorative materials such as pebbles, leaves or shells are also sometimes added.

Making hypertufa pots and troughs has recently become a popular hobby and many people are taking it to an art form. In the photo below from Serenity Cove, simple fern fronds elevate this planter to an elegant garden creation.

Photo courtesy of SERENITY COVE

Although hypertufa pots can be used inside for houseplants, it’s outdoors where they really shine. Unlike terra cotta, ceramic or most plastic planters, they are completely weatherproof, holding up to the freezing and thawing cycles of winter without cracking. This means you can plant them with hardy perennials and leave them outside year round!

Photo courtesy of SERENITY COVE

While Hypertufa pots and troughs lend themselves to all sorts of planting designs, they’re especially suited to FAIRY GARDEN PLANTS, ROCK GARDEN PLANTS, HERBS, GROUNDCOVERS, SEMPERVIVUM and shade lovers like FERNS, ORCHIDS and MOSSES. In fact, you can easily grow moss on the rough surface of these pots to make them look like they’ve been in the family for generations!

These are just a sample of the many types of pots available to gardeners today. Find styles that you love for indoor as well as outdoor use and then fill them with your favorite plants!


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Growing Happy African Violets

Blooming almost continuously throughout the year, African Violets possess astonishingly exuberant flower power. It’s no wonder so many people become lifelong collectors of these charming plants with their Easter-egg colored blooms!

In their native habitat of mountainous Tanzania where they grow on the forest floor, African Violets are well protected from harsh sunlight by larger plants and a thick canopy of trees. Although they originated from this tropical environment, today’s modern hybrids enjoy the same comfortable daytime temperatures as we do at 65F to 75F, and will even tolerate dry heated air if kept reasonably moist. They do require bright light to bloom but you don’t need a glass greenhouse to keep them happy. Today, I’ll give a few simple tips on how to successfully grow these delightful beauties.

Photo by Sabine Frisch on Pixabay


Bright light is the key to getting your violets to bloom but in order to provide the best window light for any houseplant, one has to make changes with the seasons.

My African Violets grow near a large and bright west window which is perfect for them during the dark fall and winter months but would cook them with harsh sunlight come summer. As the sun grows stronger in early spring, I use sheer curtains to soften the intensity of the light. In the heat of summer, I may place some sun-loving plants in front of my violets to provide an additional sunscreen. When the days grow shorter again in fall, I work in the reverse and gradually provide more light.

By doing this, I’m able to provide the level of light that my African Violets need to thrive. Remember that plants will lean towards any light source so rotate your violets once a week to keep growth centered and even.

Photo by Ian Lindsay on Pixabay

If you lack adequate window space and natural light, don’t despair! African Violets are the perfect candidates for a side table with a lamp and an LED light bulb. In fact, bright supplemental LED lights work wonders on all plants, especially during the dark winter months.

Sansi makes an excellent LED light bulb that fits standard size sockets and mimics bright natural sunlight. Since you can use it in most household lamps, you don’t need to purchase a special light fixture. I’ve included a link below if you’d like more information.

Photo by Nancy Marie Allen


I water my African Violets the same way I do most of my houseplants, from the top, using a narrow spouted watering can to help get through the dense rosettes of leaves. When the soil feels dry, I saturate my plants with room-temperature rainwater and then pour off any standing water that remains in the saucer after about 20 minutes; this gives the plants a chance to soak up all the moisture they need.

In winter, you’ll want to group your plants together to keep humidity levels up. You can also place your violets on a dish or tray of pebbles which will catch excess water and humidify the surrounding air. Make sure to have your plants sit on top of the wetted pebbles, not in standing water.  

Photo by Iiri Kourilek on Pixabay

A couple of times a year, I give my African Violets a warm water spray bath to clean off the leaves, flush out fertilizer salts and give the plants a good soaking. Never do this with cold water which will shock these tropical plants and cause unsightly spots on the leaves! After the plants have drained, and this is important, make sure to allow the leaves to dry thoroughly in a warm room before returning them to bright light; otherwise, remaining water droplets will intensify any light which can then burn the leaves!

Photo by jggrz on Pixabay


Organic liquid fertilizers made for in-home use are best but avoid fish emulsions which, for obvious reasons, are best used outdoors! For the majority of my houseplants, I begin feeding when I spy signs of new growth, usually mid-February to early March, and stop fertilizing altogether after mid-October to allow them a winter rest.

For my African Violets, which bloom throughout the year, I use half-strength fertilizer twice a month beginning January 1st and supplement this by adding some finely crushed eggshells to the soil. The eggshells provide beneficial calcium as well as trace elements and minerals. Each time I water my plants, they slowly absorb these nutrients which encourage healthy growth and abundant flowers!

Photo by Nancy Marie Allen


Sometimes you can revitalize a tired violet by removing the old outside ring of leaves which helps the plant direct more energy into making flowers. Regular grooming by removing dried flowers and stalks helps, too, as it encourages repeat blooming. At some point, however, your African Violets will stop thriving and need to be repotted. Plants may stop blooming, the outside leaves may begin to droop and die off causing a long ‘neck’ to appear, or a plant might divide itself into two separate crowns; in short, they’ll show obvious signs that it’s time for attention. Many experts simply repot their violets once a year, invigorating them with fresh soil and thus avoiding any decline in their plants’ overall health.

Photo by Assy on Pixabay

There are special pots designed just for African Violets, many with wicking systems, but a plain pot with drainage holes is less costly and will work just fine. Choosing a new pot for your violet is really a matter of personal preference. Ceramic and plastic pots tend to hold moisture longer while clay or terra cotta ‘breathes’ but dries out faster. Placing plastic inside a decorative cachepot is fine as long as you don’t allow water to puddle at the bottom and drown your plant.

One important consideration is that African Violets prefer shallow or squat pots rather than tall narrow ones and they like a snug fit around their roots. Never put a little violet in a large pot! The photo below will give you an idea of the pot size in relation to a plant.

Photo by Nancy Marie Allen

Since the art of repotting is another story, I won’t go into it on today’s blog but will direct you to this page for an excellent basic tutorial:

Photo by Diana Jagitsch on Pixabay

Do you have some struggling African Violets at home? If so, try practicing the above tips and your violets will thank you with increased vigor and blooms! If you’ve never grown them before, I hope I’ve encouraged you to give them a try. Beginners will have the greatest success using fertilizer and soil made especially for African Violets and I’ve included some helpful links below.

Although these tips are just the basics, following them will get you off to a good start. My only warning is that once you start collecting these sweet tropical violets, you may find it hard to stop!

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Heart Leaf Houseplants

Rather than giving the traditional bouquet of roses for Valentine’s Day this year, how about a charming heart-leaf plant instead? Featured below are five easy-care houseplants that will keep going long after those roses fade!

Variegated Heart Leaf Hoya

Hoyas are not your typical houseplants but they’re rapidly gaining in popularity. Succulent-like with thick waxy leaves, many produce colorful fragrant blooms. These tough vining plants are native to the understory of tropical forests where they tolerate long dry periods, and it’s this quality that makes them easy to care for in our homes. The Variegated Heart Leaf Hoya has a creamy white border framing its heart-shaped leaves that will brighten your houseplant collection. It does produce small summer flowers but it’s the leaves that make this plant really catch your eye. Allow this beauty to thoroughly dry out between waterings and provide medium light.

Photo courtesy of Hoya Store Australia

Sweetheart Philodendron

Philodendrons add understated elegance to our homes. They’re particularly tolerant of low light areas where other plants just aren’t happy. Some varieties slowly vine and trail, making them perfect for hanging planters and coffee table centerpieces. Although the vines appear delicate, the plants are quite robust and can live for many years. The old-fashioned Sweetheart Philodendron grows into a lush specimen with copper-tinged new growth in spring. These plants appreciate a hydrating winter bath to perk up the beautiful satin green leaves. If you have a hose sprayer on your sink, gently wash off the leaves and saturate the soil, allowing the pot to drain thoroughly before returning to its home.

Photo by Nancy Marie Allen

String of Hearts

String of Hearts is not very well known but it’s truly an easy-care houseplant that looks lovely trailing down from a hanging planter. The semi-succulent leaves are small silvery hearts with touches of purple and have an almost metallic appearance. They produce unusual tubular flowers that will attract hummingbirds if placed outdoors in summer. String of Hearts can take fairly bright window light and prefers to completely dry out between waterings. Combine it with the cascading String of Pearls plant for a dazzling duo!

Photo courtesy of Minka2507 on Pixabay


Anthuriums conjure up images of Hawaii and other tropical locales. In fact, they’re one of the best known tropical plants and are often used in exotic flower arrangements. Not only do anthuriums have heart-shaped leaves, they also have heart-shaped flowers which are really bracts like poinsettias. These bracts last for several weeks and come in a range of vivid colors including orange, pink and yellow although red is the most common. Anthuriums will produce abundant bracts in bright indirect light; a sunny windowsill with a sheer curtain works well. They prefer a slightly humid environment which can be a challenge in winter, but if you pay attention to the soil and water thoroughly when dry, your anthurium will be happy.

Photo by Nancy Marie Allen

Neon Pothos

The ubiquitous pothos has been a popular houseplant for years but Neon Pothos really lights up a room with its dazzling chartreuse-green foliage. Tough and care-free, Neon Pothos looks fabulous in complementary decorative pots or trailing down from hanging planters. Although pothos can tolerate lower light, give Neon a bright window for the best color. Avoid harsh direct sunlight which can burn the leaves and water only when soil becomes dry to touch.

Photo courtesy of Cape Gazette Garden Journal

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The Houseplant Nurturer

There’s a definite houseplant mania going on these days as more people of all ages are becoming interested in this gratifying hobby. Since you can easily purchase houseplants just about anywhere – via catalogs, online, in big box stores and even small neighborhood markets – it’s not surprising they’ve become so popular.

Peace Lilies, Orchids and Variegated Ficus Benjamina (Photo by Nancy Marie Allen)

It’s easy to fall in love with houseplants when you think about how much they enhance our living spaces. They help to purify the air we breathe, add beneficial humidity and beautify our rooms with their verdure and colorful blooms. They’re ever-uplifting home companions and, after a lifetime of keeping houseplants, I cannot imagine being without them.

Korean Rock Fern and mini Orchid (Photo by Nancy Marie Allen)

If you’re new to collecting houseplants, you may be wondering what you can do to help them thrive, and the answer is both surprising and simple – nurture them. Just like pets, our houseplants are totally dependent upon us for care. But how much care you’re willing to give really depends on your personality and lifestyle, so choose your plants accordingly.

Houseplants enjoy each other’s company (Photo by Nancy Marie Allen)

If you have strong mothering instincts, then Orchids, Ferns, Begonias or African Violets would be thrilled to share your space. However, if you’re rarely home to water your plants or even wish them well in passing, then easy-care Cactus, Pothos, Philodendrons or Succulents would make better companions. Once you’ve made your choice and settled your new plant or plants in your home, it’s time to add the secret ingredient to houseplant success – your loving care. But what exactly does ‘loving care’ mean when it comes to plants? After all, you can’t snuggle with them on the couch like you can with Fido.

Gryphon Begonia, Amaryllis and Anthurium (Photo by Nancy Marie Allen)

Plant nurturing is a different kind of love for sure, but it’s still love. To me, it means doing whatever I can to help my plants enjoy a long and healthy life. I make sure they’re getting enough light, monitor them for dryness, feed them when needed and check them regularly for any changes that may signal pests or disease. I talk to my plants, encourage them and touch their foliage. I collect rainwater for them to drink. I take the time to groom them and remove any yellowed leaves or spent flowers to keep them looking their best. Occasionally, I even take them to the tub for a hydrating bath or bring them outside for a summer shower. And when I spy fresh new growth and flower buds forming, I’m elated! I know it’s their way of saying, “thank you!”

Twining Hoya, String of Pearls and Aloe Vera (Photo by Nancy Marie Allen)

Yes, it’s a little fanatical and a true labor of love to provide this level of care on a regular basis, especially with a large collection, but my houseplants respond in grateful appreciation with increased vigor and beauty. If you’re wondering if all this fussing is worth the effort, just visit the home of someone who’s a known houseplant nurturer. Chances are their plants look pretty fabulous!

For more on houseplant care, visit my blog: Winter Houseplant Spa

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Spread the handcrafting revolution with Grow and Make!

Fabulous Indoor Ferns

Ferns have a magical quality that enhances the look of other plants around them. When I gaze upon the lush fronds of ferns sharing a windowsill with blooming Phalaenopsis on a cold day in January, winter suddenly becomes a season to savor!

Ferns complement other plants (Photo by Nancy Marie Allen)

Ferns are ancient plants that conjure up images of luxuriant green growth in tropical jungles, rainforests and mossy forest floors like those of the Pacific Northwest. Several varieties are extremely hardy such as the Northern Maidenhair Fern which can survive the arctic temperatures of US Hardiness Zone 2 at minus 40 degrees, but those that grow in our homes prefer a much gentler environment.

Wild Ferns (Photo courtesy Albina02 Pixabay)

Did you know that Pteridomania or ‘fern fever’ was an actual craze in Victorian England? The Victorians were so enamored of ferns that whole expeditions were made to procure them in the wild, hunting some to near extinction! Ferneries or specialized greenhouses devoted to ferns were attached to many grand homes while elegant glass Wardian cases or early terrariums protected precious specimens in aristocratic parlors. Lush indoor ferns had become a status symbol!

If you’d like to learn more about fern fever, Sarah Whittingham has written a couple of fascinating books on the subject and I’ve included the links below.

A Victorian style tropical greenhouse (Photo courtesy Echo Wang Unsplash)

Along with other tropical plants such as palms, bromeliads and succulents, ferns are once again coming back into popularity as houseplants. Many people shy away from ferns, thinking they require too much coddling, especially during the winter months when the air in many homes can become excessively dry. Although it’s true that ferns prefer a humid environment over arid heated air, today’s blog will showcase four very different ferns that grow happily in my home with just a little extra attention to moisture.

Close-up of a fern frond (Photo courtesy 5598375 Pixabay)

So, how do I keep my ferns happy? Many fern enthusiasts advise placing humidifiers nearby and/or spritzing the plants with water a couple of times a day. Since I keep a lot of plants around and my house isn’t particularly dry, I don’t do either of those things but instead check the soil for dryness and water deeply a couple of times a week. By that, I mean filling the pot to the brim with room temperature water and then letting it drain thoroughly so that the plant doesn’t sit in leftover saucer water. Repeating this process a couple of times a week through the driest winter months helps my ferns stay well-hydrated and lush. During the warmer months, when humidity levels indoors are more comfortable, ferns require less pampering.

The graceful fronds of a Korean Rock Fern (Photo by Nancy Marie Allen)

Introduced into this country via East Asian countries, the Korean Rock Fern now grows wild in some regions of Florida and Louisiana. So named because this fern likes growing in moist rocky areas, it also adapts well to being grown indoors in pots. An elegant and graceful plant, The Korean Rock Fern appreciates being kept evenly moist and prefers a home away from direct sunlight.

An exotic Crispy Wave Fern (Photo by Nancy Marie Allen)

The Bird’s Nest Fern grows in the wild as an epiphyte or plant that attaches itself to trees or other structures. The open center of the plant, where the new fronds emerge, gives the plant its nest-like appearance. Bird’s Nest Ferns are among those plants listed as natural air purifiers, helping to remove harmful particles from the air in our homes. There are many varieties, some with curly, wavy or crinkly leaves that give these plants a unique look in the world of ferns. Like most ferns, the Crispy Wave Fern appreciates being kept moist but will also tolerate periods of dryness without drooping. Low to medium light is best but more light actually enhances the decorative crinkling. Keep it out of direct sunlight, however, which will yellow the leaves.

Rabbit’s Foot Fern (Photo by Nancy Marie Allen)

The creeping, long, silvery haired rhizomes of the Rabbit’s Foot Fern make it look like a cross between a creature and a plant but the delicate fronds are distinctly fern-like in appearance. These exotic plants grow into stunning mature specimens that visitors cannot help but notice! They flourish with consistent moisture and bright indirect light.

This small Pteris Fern has a silvery variegation (Photo by Nancy Marie Allen)

If you’re up for a challenge, Pteris Ferns require a little more care than those mentioned above but their tropical beauty makes them well worth the effort. They are delicate plants in that the leaves can easily be bent or broken, so it’s best to keep them out of harm’s way where they won’t be brushed up against and damaged. Consistent moisture is the key to success with these ferns but they resent being waterlogged so don’t overdo it. If you’re fortunate to have a bright bathroom large enough to accommodate plants, the Pteris fern will happily thrive in that humid environment.

The center of a Bird’s Nest Fern with new fronds emerging (Photo by Nancy Marie Allen)

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