Finding Solace in Uncertain Times

We are indeed living in uncertain times! The fear surrounding the spread of the coronavirus and the resulting fallout that has crippled the US stock market, banned foreign travel and closed businesses, schools and event venues have us all taking a closer look at the extreme fragility of our modern global culture. We are helplessly caught in the downward spiral of all that is happening around us while fretfully watching from the sidelines.

Photo courtesy of Manfred Richter on Pixabay

Although it may be hard to find something to cheer us, it’s in our best interest to do so. Here in Northeast Massachusetts, as well as other areas of New England, we’ve been blessed with warmer than usual temperatures coupled with a lack of snow or ice on the ground. This mild weather has allowed me to get out in my yard well before the usual springtime schedule and clean up my perennial beds. The first spring days spent outdoors are always something I look forward to but this year, in particular, being out in my gardens has truly soothed my soul.

Photo courtesy Olle August on Pixabay

While working outside this week on one of those warm and sunny days, I heard a little buzz and spied a honey bee enjoying some early-blooming snowdrops! The next day, a butterfly magically appeared, flexing its wings and opening them to the warmth of the early spring sun.

Photo courtesy of Pezibear on Pixabay

These tiny events, so easily overlooked when preoccupied with bad news, were my silver lining. They stopped me in my tracks and I watched them as long as I could, not wanting to let go, for they were both miraculous and healing at the same time.

Photo courtesy of AsamiG on Pixabay

When we immerse ourselves in the natural world, such as gardening or walking in the woods, we see life proceeding at its own slow and deliberate pace, oblivious to and in spite of the problems of mankind. Nature calms us in a way nothing else can and it’s especially important in trying times for us to seek its solace whenever we can.

Photo courtesy of Martin Slavoljubovski on Pixabay

Give yourself a break from the relentless bad news, and turn off the TV, computer and cell phone for a period each day. Take advantage of the mild weather and go for a walk or work in the yard. Even if all you do is sit quietly on your front porch and count your blessings, you will find some comfort and peace. Remember that staying healthy is much more than just washing your hands. Find the healing power in getting outside and enjoying nature!

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