Friends and neighbors have shared many wonderful plants with me over the years but by far the most beloved of all my plants are those that come from my childhood home on the coast of Massachusetts.
I was fortunate to be born to parents who loved to garden and who passed that passion on to me. Every summer we had a small vegetable garden with tomatoes and green beans, and there were always flowers blooming in our large perennial garden. I vividly remember the blue and white iris, lupine and tawny daylilies, many of which had already been growing for years. With so many sweet memories attached to them, divisions of these plants just had to come with me when I moved to my own home.
At some point in the 50’s or 60’s my father planted several large hostas in the front of our house near the street. Placed where they received only hot afternoon sun, they were not ideally situated. However, in spite of the tough growing conditions and without any special care, these remarkable plants produced a spectacular flower show every August and September.

What type of hosta would have such an iron constitution and such abundant blooms? After doing some research, I believe this plant is the old-fashioned variety, hosta lancifolia. So named because of the lance-shaped leaves, hosta lancifolia comes from Asia and is supposedly one of the earliest varieties to be planted in this country. Although I have other “modern” hostas, this classic beauty from home remains my favorite.

In addition to the hosta, I also saved some of the Siberian iris, daylilies and hyacinth bulbs from my mother’s perennial garden. These hardy plants have since been spread all over my property and divisions have been passed on to others. By adding white lilacs and rhododendrons which were also a part of my parents’ garden, I’ve managed to create around my home a constant and comforting reminder of my family and childhood. Plant gifts from neighbors and friends have only added to my collection of sweet memories that return for me year after year, the cherished rewards of “growing it forward.”

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I love that expression ‘Growing it Forward’ and in the tradition of the forward aspect, I might have to use it myself in the (not so distant) future when sharing my cherished rewards. Such gorgeous flowers and background story. Thank you for sharing Nancy.