A doctor I know once said, “only floss the teeth you want to keep.” The older we get, the more important it is that we take good care of ourselves. In order to do this in a meaningful way, we have to put ourselves first. Sounds obvious, doesn’t it, but because so many of us fall into the pattern of putting ourselves last early on in life, it can be a difficult pattern to change.
Once we 18 to 20-somethings leave our parent’s home (where most of us got the best care of our lives!), we tend to begin the downward spiral of overworking, overdrinking, stressing, eating sporadically and depriving ourselves of much-needed sleep. Weekends are usually reserved for partying down and even more self-abuse!
In our 30’s and 40’s, during the childbearing and rearing years, our children come first. We make sure they get the best care we can provide while most of us continue speeding down the same fast lane we began in our 20’s.
Is it any wonder that by the time we reach our 50’s and 60’s, our unhealthy habits have taken a toll. This is the age when high cholesterol and high blood pressure make themselves known, and being overweight can trigger serious health problems as well including heart disease, diabetes and osteoarthritis.
For most Americans, reform only comes after that fateful doctor’s visit when we hear “you’ve got to make some lifestyle changes” which we all know is really code for “shape up or ship out!” But how do you change a lifetime of bad habits? Try incorporating these five simple steps into your life now to get back on the self-care track and start feeling healthy again:
(1) WALK Walking is undeniably the best exercise to do as we age. Why? It doesn’t cost anything, almost anyone can do it and you can easily fit walking into your schedule. Good walking shoes help but any comfortable pair of sneakers will do for starters. Walking outside is preferable because then you get the benefit of fresh air in your lungs, but mall or grocery store walking works just fine. If you’ve never exercised, are 65+ and/or have health concerns, check with your doctor first. You don’t have to push yourself here; the important thing is to walk regularly to achieve the many health benefits.
(2) EAT MEDITERRANEAN STYLE Not only is a Mediterranean diet healthy, it’s delicious! AND you can have a glass of red wine! There are many foods you can choose from here, just try incorporating more into your diet over time. Think of it as a healthier way to eat, pay attention to portion size and you may lose a few unwanted pounds.
(3) NIX SOFT DRINKS Get away from all the sugar and artificial sweeteners. Drink more water instead. You can add slices of lemon, lime or orange for a burst of flavor. In addition, try eating more water-laden fruit such as watermelon, honeydew or cantaloupe. Peaches and nectarines are also good choices. You should notice an immediate improvement in your skin and in elimination!
(4) PRACTICE MEDITATION OK, I know this is probably the last thing you want to do. But let me tell you how easy meditation really is. Find a comfortable and quiet place to sit, close your eyes and focus on your breathing. Your mind will ramble all over the place while you do this and you may feel like you’re getting nowhere, but just keep returning your focus to your breath and stick with it. Breathe in, breathe out, repeat. Use a kitchen timer and try it for 1 to 5 minutes to start, working up to 10 minutes a day. The more comfortable you become with meditating, the longer you can go with it. I’ve been meditating for years and it has helped me cope with anxiety, stress and even chronic pain.
(5) GET A GOOD NIGHT’S SLEEP I know this is easier said than done but a regular bedtime routine can help improve bad sleeping habits. Try flossing/brushing your teeth and washing up about a half hour before actually going to bed. Get into your PJ’s or at least put on something comfortable. Turn the house lights down and, if you’re watching TV, turn the sound down, too. This will help your body tune out and prepare for sleep.
What changes have you made to improve your health? I’d love to hear your story so please feel free to comment and share.

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