“Are you in the Blogosphere?” my husband calls from another room. As much as I would like to give a resounding “Yes!” to that question, it’s not always the case. More often than not, I’m lost on Twitter or Facebook or “just browsing” the internet, ever searching for inspiration. When I do blog, however, it’s a source of great enjoyment for me because it’s something I can do whenever I like from the comfort of my home. It’s also something I can do with Lyme disease.
Blogging takes a lot of time, research and work but it also requires the blogger to have one very important tool at his or her disposal – energy! – that precious spark of life that keeps us rolling through our days. For people with chronic Lyme disease, that spark can sometimes be hard to resurrect. It gets buried under the aches, pains and profound fatigue that are a constant when living with Lyme. There are days when I just have to rest and nothing else is going to happen, but even on those off days, I still find myself thinking about blogging and what I’ll be writing about next. Blogging inspires me to keep moving forward in spite of my problems.
Because blogging (and writing in general) can be picked up and put down at any time, it’s the perfect career for people like myself who can’t depend on feeling well every day and for whom the typical 9 to 5 situation is just not going to happen. It’s also a great pastime for retired folks who have so much life experience to share. It can be a form of mentoring where others can turn to our blogs for help with their own issues of daily living. We learn through the practice of blogging and by reading other people’s blogs – they’re a wonderful resource!
When I first thought about blogging earlier this year, I had no idea where to begin. I knew that I enjoyed writing and wanted a platform where my writing could be seen but making that happen was more than a little daunting for this old gal who was not particularly computer savvy. The good news is that by consulting other bloggers, I got all the information I needed to start. By chance I happened upon Amy Lynn Andrews, an amazing woman and veteran blogger, who shares all her hard-won information on her website. I was astounded by how easy her step-by-step tutorials were to follow and in a very short period of time I was up and running with my own blog. It was a confidence-building turning point for me!
Today, I regularly check out other bloggers and have found many writers with Lyme disease and other chronic illnesses. Like me, blogging has given them a new lease on life. It’s a place where we can share our stories, encourage each other and provide inspiration to keep going through whatever life throws at us. So here I go once again, into the Blogosphere!

To see the many blogging tips Amy Lynn Andrews has to offer click on this link: https://amylynnandrews.com/
For more on writing as a career, click on this link: http://www.wellfedwriter.com/cmd.php?af=1685196