After a week in the 90’s, this morning dawned (almost) crisp and cool. Refreshing air from Canada pushed through yesterday with thunderstorms, clearing out the oppressive heat and humidity that had been plaguing us here in the Northeast. It will be a perfect day to get out in the garden!
I personally find summer gardening a challenge. Although I love to be outdoors, I have to choose my time carefully. The sun in early July is high in the sky and heats up the air quickly. Hungry insects abound, including deer flies, black flies, mosquitos and (ugh!) ticks. The flying types work me into a swatting frenzy soon after stepping into the yard; the ticks wait for me to step in their path where they can easily hitch a ride.
If I’m going to spend any time in the yard, I have to “suit up.” This includes donning light-colored clothing for comfort in the sun as well as protection from ticks; you can easily spot a black deer tick on white fabric. Depending on the time of day, I may also wear a wide-brim hat, but I’d rather get some sun exposure if possible. I love the look and feel of sun-kissed skin but don’t go for an all-over tan anymore and sunburn is definitely shunned.
Once properly dressed I’m ready to tackle the garden chores. This includes dead-heading my flowers to promote fresh blooms, cleaning out any dead or damaged plant debris, weeding and generally offering encouragement to my vegetables. I’ll work until (1) the bugs drive me crazy or (2) I begin to wilt from the heat. In spite of these obstacles, I still remain enthusiastic. Today will be a perfect day to get out in the garden!

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