December is a month of great extremes – excitement and peace, joy and sorrow, beginnings and endings – all tied to our present and our past.
December is a sacred month. Christians observe the birth of their savior, Jesus. Gentle Buddhists practice sharing gifts of peace and goodwill to others. People of the Jewish faith celebrate Hanukkah with the Festival of Lights. Hindus enjoy a holiday called Pancha Ganapati, an expression of the natural season of worship, with chanting and gift-giving. No matter our faith, we are all united in observing this most spiritual of months.
December is a time of feasting. People all over the world enjoy preparing traditional foods with recipes that often go back many generations. When we gather with family and friends and partake of these special foods, we are connected to everyone who has ever graced our lives. It’s a ritual of love which we repeat again and again, year after year, savoring not only the classic flavors but the fond memories they evoke.
December acknowledges our losses. Of all the months of the year, now is the time we most acutely feel the loss of our loved ones. It doesn’t matter how many years ago the loss happened or in what season it occurred; it doesn’t matter how old or young the person was or whether the death was sudden or lingering. At some point this month most of us will relive precious moments spent with family and friends and mourn them all over again.
December brings us full circle. John Lennon expressed it perfectly, “Another year over, A new one just begun.” It’s a time of gratitude for all the good things in our lives and a time to look forward in hope and faith. Happy December, Everyone!