An Old-Fashioned Flower Garden

Many years ago while out on an early summer walk, I came across a fairy-tale garden of such enchanting beauty that it stopped me in my tracks.

Hollyhocks (Photo by Kirsten Riemer on Pixabay)

I vividly remember an abundance of towering multicolored hollyhocks and lavender spires of foxglove along with a supporting cast of many other vintage beauties, all combined in a seemingly random but oh-so visually pleasing way. As I stared in awe and admiration, I wondered what it was about this particular garden that spoke to me?

Foxglove (Photo by Holger Schue on Pixabay)

While taking in the beauty of those pleasing blooms, I experienced a wondrous feeling as though I had been transported to a long-ago place and time! In that serendipitous moment, I discovered the old-fashioned style that I wanted to recreate in my own flower beds, one that would connect me to beautiful gardens of the past.

Romantic Roses (Photo by Rebekka D on Pixabay)

An old-fashioned flower garden can include any mix of shrubs, perennials, biennials and annual flowers that have been grown for generations. Some of these plants may bring back fond memories of grandmother’s garden or have an association with a special event in our lives while others carry a delightful fragrance that we simply can’t live without. All are classic plants we’ve come to recognize as cherished old friends!

Fragrant Lilacs (Photo by Sofia Livarinen on Pixabay)

A good place to begin an old-fashioned garden is with some romantic shrubs. Lilacs, Hydrangeas and Vintage Roses are three classics that can create the backbone of your garden. Next, you’ll want to add perennials and biennials such as Bleeding Heart, Peonies, Violets, Lily of the Valley, Forget-Me-Not, Foxglove, Hollyhocks, Ladybells, Lavender and Columbine. Annuals will fill any blooming gaps with ongoing flower power, so be sure to add a variety for season-long color. Some great choices are Sweet Peas, Petunias, Cosmos, Four O’Clocks, Pansies, Marigolds, Zinnias and Heliotrope. If you like to get an early start on blooms, there are also many heirloom flower bulb varieties such as Snowdrops, Daffodils, Grape Hyacinth and Tulips that you can tuck in around your other plants.

Peonies (Photo by Jill Wellington on Pixabay)

The shrubs, plants and bulbs mentioned above are just a small sampling of what you can use to create your own old-fashioned garden. Whether you make it formal and structured or keep it casual and carefree, the only hard and fast rule here is to include plants that you love!

Lavender and Pollinators (Photo by Annette Meyer on Pixabay)

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4 Replies to “An Old-Fashioned Flower Garden”

  1. Nancy, love this post. I had loads of room at our home in Virginia – inside and outside. I grew black hollyhocks and loved them. Foxgloves, however, were not happy there – too hot. But, they are sure happy here in West Virginia and I dearly love them. As well as our lilacs. Love these beauties.

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