Houseplants bring the beauty and tranquility of nature into our homes and turn ordinary spaces into extraordinary! But houseplants not only beautify our homes, they also promote health and well-being.

With many of us now housebound either due to the pandemic or winter weather, we want our homes to be healthy havens and that includes the quality of the air we breathe. Unfortunately, hidden volatile organic compounds or VOC’s are emitted as odorless gases from many common household products such as carpeting, paint, vinyl flooring, upholstery and even air fresheners!

The good news is that studies by NASA have shown that houseplants improve indoor air quality by increasing oxygen, absorbing carbon dioxide and removing common VOC pollutants such as benzene, formaldehyde and trichloroethylene. Some familiar plants known for their exceptional ability to clean the air include Florist’s Chrysanthemum, Peace Lily, Parlor Palm and Snake Plant.

If you’re someone who tosses and turns at night, the sleep-inducing properties of Lavender are well-known as this plant has been used medicinally for centuries. Although usually found in sunny landscapes, there are some dwarf varieties that can be grown successfully indoors. Try a pot of Goodwin Creek Grey, Little Lottie or Munstead in a sunny bedroom window and enjoy a restful night’s sleep!

Some houseplants are known to be effective in easing anxiety and producing calm. Flowering Jasmine has a powerful yet soothing fragrance that can fill a room! Sambac Jasmines grow well indoors and can easily be kept pruned to a manageable size. Maid of Orleans and Grand Duke of Tuscany are two good choices for the home. If you’re not a fan of fragrance, the graceful fronds of Ferns or Palms add a feeling of serenity to any space.

Plants are also known to be beneficial in the workplace, aiding concentration, memory and productivity. If you’re fortunate to have a sunny window or grow light in your office, try a pot of Mint or a Scented Geranium to refresh and stimulate your senses! If you’re limited to low or fluorescent lighting, plants like Heart-Leaf Philodendron, Spider Plant or Pothos make companionable co-workers.

For those recovering from an illness or surgery, the beauty of flowering houseplants will help you feel better by elevating your mood and speeding recovery. A group of plants will also help raise the humidity level, thus easing dry skin and symptoms of colds or flu. Some winter bloomers that will brighten any patient’s room include Orchids, African Violets, Anthuriums, Cyclamen and Kalanchoe.

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