The Joy of Blogging

It’s hard to believe that my first full year of retirement is almost at an end and what a fulfilling year it’s been!  Back in July, on a whim, I started a personal blog with no prior experience and no real theme in mind.  Being an avid gardener for many years and one who loves to talk about all things plant-related, I figured that was a good place to start.  Besides, writing seemed like a great way to fill my newly freed-up days.  What I came to realize is that blogging freed me up as well, in ways I never anticipated.  The experience has been inspiring, motivating and energizing; it has truly changed my life in a positive way!

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Over the past six months of blogging, I’ve made many new friends; some are professionals, some are amateurs like myself, but all of them are enthusiastic about writing and eager to share their life experiences.  And I’ve discovered there’s a whole lot of stuff out there to write about – from accomplishing the most ordinary of everyday tasks all the way to seeking higher consciousness!

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I’ve found that people who write also read, and they read a lot!  A lifelong lover of books myself, I now love reading blogs as well.  By reading different blogs, we open ourselves up to new worlds but also educate ourselves by taking the time to learn about and appreciate those topics that excite others to write.  There are so many people blogging regularly now and so many different things to read about that you never get bored.  Generally quick reads, blogs are endlessly entertaining, and there’s always something new on the horizon.

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Instructional blogs are a great way to learn something new as they generally don’t require a lot of time to read yet pack in a lot of information.  When photos are also used, it’s like a personal mini-class and just as enjoyable as watching a video.  I do a lot of this type of blogging when I talk about gardening and plants.  Although far from a professional, I have many years of experience and love to share what I’ve learned with others through the blogging medium.  I also regularly seek out the wisdom and wit of my favorite bloggers.

let your dream be bigger than your fears signage beside plate with fruits
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Many blogs are stories of real-life experiences that come from the heart and, as such, they can touch us in a very personal way.  They’re a communion between the writer and the reader.  With this type of writing, a catharsis takes place that can bare your soul and leave you feeling more than just a little vulnerable.  As part of the blogging community, we respond with encouraging and understanding comments; we hand out gold stars and cheer each other on in hopes that by doing so the good stuff will just keep coming – and it does!

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Photo by Markus Spiske on

And so, as 2018 comes to a close, I’d like to thank my faithful readers and fellow bloggers for enriching my days with inspiration and joy!  Thank You and a Happy New Year to All!

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For more on blogging, visit my previous posts:

Redefining Ourselves in Retirement

Into the Blogosphere with Lyme

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2 Replies to “The Joy of Blogging”

  1. Inspiring words Nancy, and I agree, blogging opens up a whole new world of experience. I started a bit before you, but I had a slow start and have only really ‘got into it’ this year. I’ve learnt so much and, like you, have made some wonderful new friends.

    1. Jane, you are one of the amazing people I’ve met through blogging. Thank you so much for your kind words and support!

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