The Promise of Spring

Spring is the season of promise!  There’s something in the air, redolent of fresh growth as early flower bulbs cautiously poke through warming soil and buds swell with new life on shrubs and trees.  There’s something in the increasing strength of sunlight and, yes, even in our outlook as March makes herself known.  There’s something that tells us it cannot be long now!

red flower bouquet on brown leather boots during snow weather
Photo by Alena Koval on

It’s the promise of spring that beckons us outdoors in spite of the cold.  We can sense life quickening just under the snow, waiting for the right conditions of warmth and sunlight to make its appearance once again.  Soon the birds will break into vigorous song, the world will blossom with rebirth, and our hearts will be uplifted!  But right now, at least here in New England, the promise of spring is really all we have to hold onto for we are still firmly held in winter’s grip.

personal organizer and pink flowers on desk
Photo by Kaboompics .com on

The calendar tells us one thing, but it’s always a long and tiresome wait for spring to finally make her grand entrance.  We watch daily for signs that things are progressing as they should but somehow the change never comes fast enough.  Spring takes her time, ever a cautious driver who feels safest in the slow lane!

adorable animal bloom blossom
Photo by Pixabay on

I understand why so many people take trips this time of year.  Not only does getting away from the cold rejuvenate us but, while we are away, we imagine spring already coming around and getting ready to greet us on our return home.  Although that usually doesn’t happen and we descend from the plane back into the wintry world we left just a few days before, we remain hopeful that warm and sunny weather will soon follow.

yellow tulip flower during daytime
Photo by Pixabay on

And so I leave you, dear reader, while I take my own get-away trip this week to Florida.  The warmth of the sun will heal my winter-weary soul and all that lush tropical greenery will inspire me with its beauty.   When I return, I’ll resume my patient wait for all of the pleasures that make up spring in my neck of the woods.  It cannot be long now!

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